Oct 9, 2021

memo: SAPFPAYM output to file system


Positive Pay file creation using Payment Medium Workbench(PMW) and Automatic Payment Program(F110) (2019/09/17)

Henri LOISEAU Feb 01, 2010 at 12:52 PM
In OBPM4 you define which variant of program SAPFPAYM you are using. 
In the parameters of program SAPFPAYM you have a checkbox 'Output to the file system' (PAR_XFIL) 
and you can give the filename (PAR_FILE).
I want to donwload Payment File using program SAPFPAYM using a background job. I want to download file to specified folder in a server.

Already set :Run Date, Identification, Payment Medium Format, Electronic file.

I check the "output to file system" check box and already specify the folder directory and file name.

While I execute it, file not directly downloaded to specific folder. It appear in DME administration and the status already exported 

Best Answer
Former Member Apr 09, 2012 at 09:37 AM
1.In F110,one tab "print program"is thr,here we can define variant with program "ZRFFOUSC",at the time of creating variant one field option"payment summary",check this entry and along this it also ask for on which printer we want this entry.

2.Last time i got similar type of issue when i was not able to download the file because some msoffice version update version problem.Try with first create one folder in particular location and then give the path(mention ur new created folder thr).

Former Member Apr 05, 2012 at 06:26 AM

For that issue, you need to specify the file place in F110 print variant.

Go to F110 transaction > Select the relevant payment run and ID> Go to printout data medium tab> Select variant and press Maintain variant button> check the Output control tab and file name path.

Change layout of payments summary 2014/02/24

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Testing and recreation of the Electronic payments file for the Bank 

↑ 全体を俯瞰しやすい。

Payment Medium Creation のスクショ ↓