Jan 25, 2010

How to configure jetspeed 2 for yahoo (sample)

Login to Jetspeed as a specific user, select designing menu, and add portlet [SSO Web Content] and configure it as follows...

sso.type: form
sso.form.Credential: passwd
sso.form.Action: https://login.yahoo.co.jp/config/login
sso.form.Args: (blank)
SRC: http://finance.yahoo.co.jp/
sso.form.principal: login
SSO Principal: (email for yahoo)
SSO Credential: (password for yahoo)

Regarding sso.form.Args, after some tries and errors, I understand that it doesn't need to describe about Cookies and session ID.

* Login Screen of JetSpeed

* Logged in and SSO Yahoo
I don't know why I am soon redirected to http://www.yahoo.co.jp/ just after login. After pressing [back] button of FireFox, I see the JetSpeed screen. There remains something I need to resolve.

How to install JetSpeed 2

Before starting, be ready for apache, JRE and tomcat 6, and download jetspeed-installer-demo-2.2.0.jar (62MB)

(1) java -jar /home/duke/jetspeed-installer-demo-2.2.0.jar text

- Select an installation directory [default:/Jetspeed-2.2.0]

- Database selection
choose 2) Derby [default]

(2) terminate Tomcat:

(3) run Tomcat with Jetspeed:

Check if the scripts are executable when it fails to run.

(4) see if http://tomcat-server:8080/jetspeed/ works.

(5) input password for admin ID, and so on

Thanks to the detailed explanations in http://jetspeed-japan.sourceforge.jp.

how to install OpenSSO on solaris

Before starting, be ready for apache, JRE and tomcat 6 not tomcat 5.5

Summary: Get "OpenSSO Enterprise", decompress it, and obtain war file, then go

(1) mkdir /usr/local/src/opensso
(2) cd /usr/local/src/opensso
(3) unzip opensso_enterprise_80.zip
(4) mkdir /usr/apache/tomcat60/webapps/opensso
(5) cd /usr/apache/tomcat60/webapps/opensso
(6) jar xvf /usr/local/src/opensso/deployable-war/opensso.war
ref http://www.igapyon.jp/igapyon/diary/2008/ig081118.html
(7) verify if it works
(7-1) terminate Tomcat: [tomcat installed dir]/bin/shutdown.sh
(7-2) run Tomcat: [tomcat installed dir]/bin/startup.sh
(7-3) see if http://tomcat-server:8080/opensso/ works.

(8) configuration of OpenSSO
at http://tomcat-server:8080/opensso/ ...
[default configuration] > input password for [default user], [default policy agent]

Very special thanks to Japanese references ...

OpenSSO のアクセス保護設定 (その 3): ポリシーの設定

[OpenSSO Tech Tips]GoogleApps との SAML でのシングルサインオン - クイズもあります


SharePoint や.Netアプリとの連携が簡単に!! OpenSSOとGenevaサーバとの相互連携に関するホワイトペーパー

I'm interested in the followings, and will try someday...

Sun Java Web Proxy Server 4.0

Proxy Agent

How to install tomcat 6 (on solaris)

1. verify the existing environment on solaris

$ pkginfo | grep -i apache
system SUNWaclg Apache Common Logging
system SUNWapch2d Apache Web Server V2 Documentation
system SUNWapch2r Apache Web Server V2 (root)
system SUNWapch2u Apache Web Server V2 (usr)
system SUNWapchd Apache Web Server Documentation
system SUNWapchr Apache Web Server (root)
system SUNWapchu Apache Web Server (usr)

$ pkginfo | grep -i jre
JDS3 SUNWjre-config Java Run Time Integration
JDS3 SUNWjre-config-plugin Java Run Time Integration - Plugin

$ pkginfo | grep -i tomcat
system SUNWtcatr Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container (root)
system SUNWtcatu Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container


2. Tomcat 6 install
OpenSSO (mentioned later) will not work
on tomcat 5.5 included in apache,
I installed apache-tomcat-6.0.20

(1) mv /var/apache/tomcat /var/apache/tomcat.old
(2) mv /usr/apache/tomcat /usr/apache/tomcat.old

(3) mkdir /usr/apache/tomcat60
(3') ln -s /usr/apache/tomcat60 /var/apache/tomcat

(4) unzip apache-tomcat-6.0.20.zip
(5) cd apache-tomcat-6.0.20
(6) mv bin conf lib logs temp webapps work /usr/apache/tomcat60/
(7) mv L* R* N* /usr/apache/tomcat60/

(8) ln -s /usr/apache/tomcat60 /usr/apache/tomcat
(9) chmod 755 /usr/apache/tomcat/bin/*
(10) chown -R root:bin /usr/apache/tomcat60

(11) /usr/apache/tomcat/bin/startup.sh
it will say as follows ...
Using CATALINA_BASE: /usr/apache/tomcat60
Using CATALINA_HOME: /usr/apache/tomcat60
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /usr/apache/tomcat60/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /usr
(12) verify if it's working ...
see if http://tomcat-server:8080/ is working with browser.

(13) modify script (e.g. /etc/init.d/httpd)
so that apache will run after tomcat runs
ref http://www.kazu.tv/blog/archives/000456.html


Jan 23, 2010

How to install Android-X86 on VMWare

Old stuff? It's new for me and easier for vmware

(1) download the latest stable iso image.

(2) On VMWare console, Virtual Machine > Create Virtual Machine >
input name, [next], choose [Linux operating system], [Ubuntsu 32bit], [next],

(3) memory: default (512) ... [next]
(4) create new virtual disk ... [next]
(5) capacity 2GB [next]
(6) ... going ahead with default ...

(7) At [CD DVD Drive], use an iso image [next]
and select the image just downloaded before ... [next]
(8)... going ahead with default ...

(9) power on the created vm, and you'll see the screen like this.

(10) On the right tab > Dev Tools > Terminal Emulator,
I could switch user to root without password.

Jan 15, 2010

How to install DSL (linux) on vmware server 2.0

1. download DSL latest version (.iso) at DSL download page

2. Then similar procedure like [how to run Chrome OS on VMware server
(choose Debian's latest version. Other options can be done by default values.)