Jul 30, 2010

Performance of iPad under Wi-Fi was pretty good!

iPad/iPhone transmits raw data, so it could be a bandwidth eater.
On the other hand, BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) reduces the size of the transmitting data so optimized to smaller screen (downto 1/23), that you will have no stress with BlackBerry + BES, somebody said.

I tried to verify that with my iPad, and I found iPad was not stressful at all.

What do you think?

My enrironment: iPad (in Japan) + Wi-Fi (160KBytes/s to the server in the U.S.)

1st experiment is this.

File size is
(1) PPT 372KB
(2) PDF 705KB
(3) TIF 193KB
(4) MS-Excel 17KB

Adding on 31.Jul. 10:31 AM >>>>

I did 2nd experiment with larger files here .

File size is
(1) PPT 4873KB,
(2) TIF 6007 KB,
(3) PDF 7479 KB.

Good, isn't it?


These videos are out of focus, intended to protect my private information (i.e. ID, detailed url, and so on). Please just focus on the performance of viewing each attachments. Just in case, the focus on iPad screen is perfect. All characters can be read.

Conclusion __________________
I'm happy about the comfortable throughput of iPad with Wi-Fi (no charge).
I can also recommend to my acquaintances to have iPad/iPhone in Japan (with Softbank Corp that can offer fixed charge for 3G even for overseas usage.)

But the transmitted data is not reduced/compressed at all.
I hope other Asian carriers don't underestimate the importance of fixed/lower 3G roaming charge for their customers to travel other countries, if they want to compete against BlackBerry.


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